The identity of the sitter that meets the eye of the viewer remains much discussed and ultimately unknown. Some think it to be Botticelli himself, but born around 1445 and so in his thirties when the painting was done, others deem it unlikely. It could be his brother Antonio, in keeping with the family likeness. Perhaps it is a goldsmith who designed the medallion presented to us, such as Michelozzo, who interestingly also had a hand in the creation of the Palazzo Medici. Ultimately, most scholars believe it either to be a member of the Medici family or a supporter, due to the medal showing the likeness of Cosimo de' Medici. It would make sense for the man to be one of Cosimo's sons, making this a piece of propaganda to display Medici family lineage. Interweaving portraiture into commissions was a common way of showing the enduring family heritage of prominent Florentine families. In Botticelli's own Adoration of the Magi there are multiple Medici portraits. Moreover the ...